Dakar calms the spirits – La Nouvelle Tribune

In an attempt to defuse tensions and normalize relations, Bassirou Diomaye Faye recently paid diplomatic visits to Burkina Faso and Evili. These visits were seen by various analysts as a step towards a return of the countries of AES in ECOWASemphasizing a desire for dialogue and reconciliation.

However, the situation has become somewhat complicated in recent days between Burkina and Senegal. June 21st, Amnesty International and the Senegalese Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (COSEDDH) organized a demonstration in Dakar, demanding in particular the release of Burkinabe lawyer Guy Hervé Kam. This demonstration provoked a vigorous reaction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso, which expressed its “regret” and his “indignation” in the face of this initiative.

« This demonstration, obviously, is part of the continuation of the logic of manipulation of opinions, adopted by Amnesty International since the publication of its pamphlet of February 24, 2024 based on false allegations of violation of human rights in Burkina.« can be read in the press release from the Burkinabe government.

In response, the National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations in Burkina Faso organized a peaceful sit-in in front of the Senegalese Embassy in Ouagadougou on June 25. The protesters attempted to deliver a copy of the protest letter addressed to the Coordinator of Amnesty International Burkina to the Ambassador of Senegal.

Faced with this rise in tensions, the Senegalese authorities tried to calm things down through an official press release published on June 25. The Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs wanted to deny certain rumors circulating on social networks. He claims that neither the diplomatic staff nor the premises of the Embassy of Senegal in Burkina Faso had not been the subject of threats, and that Senegalese citizens residing in Burkina Faso were safe.

This press release marks a clear desire on the part of Senegal to defuse the situation and restore a climate of trust between the two nations. Furthermore, it demonstrates Senegal’s commitment to maintaining peaceful and constructive diplomatic relations with Burkina Faso, despite the current challenges. It would be interesting to keep areas of dialogue to promote a good climate and resolve possible misunderstandings.

Newly elected to the presidency of Senegal, Bassirou Diomaye Faye was committed to working for the return of the AES countries to ECOWAS. As a reminder, last January, Ouagadougou, Niamey and Bamako had decided to leave the sub-regional body with “immediate effect”, marking a significant break in regional relations.



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