“Our priorities are employment and the reindustrialization of the Region”

Around twenty representatives from the business world got the ball rolling. “We worked in a constructive atmosphere with the priority of the redeployment of Wallonia based on the value of work,” summarized Christophe Wambersie, the general secretary of the Neutral Union for Independents (SNI), at the end of the meeting.


“They explained to us what they expected of us, insisting on a coherent vision and the necessary consensus on efficiency. For our part, we have highlighted the importance of a differentiated policy between SMEs and large companies. We also addressed the question of the social status of the self-employed and their pension,” he added.

“We need a clear course because what harms businesses the most is unpredictability,” said Cécile Neven, the managing director of Akt for Wallonia, the brand new alliance between Walloon Business Union and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the south of the country.

“For this Monday’s meeting, we were asked to focus on one or two things. Our priorities are employment and the reindustrialization of the Region. We need economic redeployment for the benefit of the entire territory,” she continued, believing “to have been heard”. “Wallonia must reclaim the capacity to produce, which requires identifying obstacles and combating them,” said the manager.

After the employers’ world, the Bouchez-Prévot tandem received representatives of the unions. The meeting is scheduled to end around noon.



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