Ukraine Peace Conference: “a summit for nothing”? | War in Ukraine

Ukraine Peace Conference: “a summit for nothing”? | War in Ukraine
Ukraine Peace Conference: “a summit for nothing”? | War in Ukraine

Ninety states and organizations are registered for the Bürgenstock conference, which takes place this weekend in Switzerland, in order to pave the way for a peace process in Ukraine. However, without Russia and China at the table, this goal seems vague and distant.

No Russian representative will travel to the Swiss mountains to attend this international conference. kyiv was not ready to invite Moscow. The Kremlin says summit host Switzerland is not more neutral.

China refused the invitation because Russia is not there. The idea of ​​a summit for nothing circulates in certain European chancelleries, wrote the Swiss daily THE Time early June.

The fruit is not ripe to start real peace discussions, believes Stéphane Roussel, professor of international relations at the National School of Public Administration. The two belligerents show no signs of wanting to give upexplains the professor.

In his eyes, Russia has no plans to reduce pressure for the moment and believes that it can make substantial gains, so now is not the time to negotiate.

The conditions set out by Vladimir Putin on Friday to begin talks – capitulation and demilitarization of Ukraine – appear more likely to drive the parties apart than to bring them together.

For Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the objective of the Swiss conference is above all to keep his allies mobilized at a time when bad news is piling up from the front. The morale of the Ukrainian population is crumbling after more than two years of war. Any support, even symbolic or even moral, will be welcome. Naturally also, weaponsunderlines Professor Roussel.

The Ukrainian president can rejoice at the support received at the summit of G7 during the previous days. Volodymyr Zelensky left Italy for Switzerland with the commitment of a 50 billion US dollar loan for his country and a 10-year security agreement with the United States.

Distracted allies

Volodymyr Zelensky still had to take a slap in the face: the absence of American President Joe Biden in Switzerland. It is his vice-president Kamala Harris who will represent him. An absence of Joe Biden would be applauded by Vladimir Putinhad warned the Ukrainian president before the conference.

This is an indication that its number one ally is monopolized by other concerns. The conflict in the Middle East is causing a lot of problems for Joe Biden and he is busy with his electoral campaign.

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Joe Biden was in Italy this week for the G7 summit.

Photo: Getty Images / MANDEL NGAN / AFP

For Americans, what is the definition of just peace wanted by Volodymyr Zelensky? Ultimately, what are the objectives on the battlefield?

It’s hard to imagine the White House answering these questions before the November election. I do not think that [les États-Unis] have reached the point of wanting to establish a precise planbelieves Stéphane Roussel.

Meanwhile, the rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament and a potential return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office threaten to erode Western support for kyiv.

On the international stage, the divide in support for Ukraine is evident. Several southern states are distancing themselves from the Ukrainian cause, influenced by China’s tacit support for Russia. For several African states or Asian states, even certain Latin American states, support for Ukraine is not self-evident.underlines Stéphane Roussel.

In Switzerland, Volodymyr Zelensky seeks above all to reaffirm his political stature and boost the morale of the troops.

Weapons and peace

In Canada’s Ukrainian community, expectations are high.

We hope that during this meeting, the West will start to think about how to help Ukraine windeclares Michael Shwec, president of the Quebec section of the Council of Ukrainian Canadians.

Canada must further increase its military aid, believes Mr. Shwec, in particular to help Ukraine defend its skies. Ukraine has been asking for help in this regard for two years, he points out. Canada promised a $400 million air defense system a year and a half ago, but it has not yet been delivered.

This is a fight to defend not only Ukrainian borders but also the values ​​of justice and of freedomaccording to Michael Shwec.

Ukrainians are defending Western values ​​with their lives.

A quote from Michael Shwec, Council of Ukrainian Canadians

Arming Ukraine must remain the priority to push Russia back, according to Michael Shwec. The only language Russia seems to respect or understand is power. The only way is with weapons.

On the sidelines of the Swiss conference, the noise of war continues to bury peace discussions.



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