In Niger, justice lifts Mohamed Bazoum’s immunity

Former Nigerian President Mohamed Bazoum, in Lagos, Nigeria, May 2023. PIUS UTOMI EKPEI / AFP

The State Court of Niger, a jurisdiction created in November 2023 by the military regime, lifted the immunity of deposed President Mohamed Bazoum on Friday June 14, paving the way for a possible trial for the man who was overthrown on July 26 2023. Since this military coup, Mr. Bazoum has been detained in Spartan conditions in the presidential residence with his wife, Hadiza. At the end of Friday’s hearing, Ould Salem Mohamed, one of his lawyers, declared “take note of the decision” and declared that the collective of lawyers of the ex-president would communicate “incessantly”.

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The authorities in Niamey accuse the ousted president of “plot to attack the security and authority of the State”, “crime of treason”, “alleged acts of apology for terrorism” And “financing of terrorism”. Mr. Bazoum is notably accused of having spoken on the telephone with the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, so that they would support him. “by armed intervention” during the 2023 coup d’état.

Friday’s hearing had been postponed twice, Mr. Bazoum’s lawyers having denounced several obstacles to the right of defense. In December, the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States ordered his release. This request remained a dead letter and Niger left the West African organization in January, which had sanctioned Niger after the coup before lifting its sanctions on February 24.

The World with AFP

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