after the conviction of Hunter Biden for an illegal acquisition of a firearm, the Biden camp shows its respect for justice


U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with his son Hunter Biden at New Castle Air Force Base, Delaware, June 11, 2024. MANUEL BALCE CENETA / AP

A week of trial, an indisputable case and barely three hours of deliberation: the trial of Hunter Biden, the son of the American president, did not drag on. On Tuesday, June 11, the defendant, aged 54, was convicted of all the facts with which he was accused by the twelve jurors of the Wilmington (Delaware) court. Hunter Biden was accused of lying about his frequent drug use when acquiring a firearm in 2018, which he illegally kept for eleven days. In September, another trial awaits him, this time in Los Angeles, for tax fraud.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Hunter Biden pleads guilty to tax evasion and illegal possession of a firearm

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The successive hearings of witnesses, some closely linked to Hunter Biden, such as his own daughter Naomi, drew the portrait of a man dominated by his demons. At the material time, he regularly used crack, especially since the tragic death of his brother Beau. Destined for a public career, child prodigy of the family, the latter died of brain cancer in 2015. His widow, Hallie Biden, then began a romantic relationship with Hunter Biden, between 2016 and 2019. It is she who, one day in 2018, discovered a gun in the pickup belonging to Joe Biden’s son. She then decided on a whim to get rid of it, by throwing it in the trash in front of a convenience store.

Juror number 10 was interviewed anonymously by CNN and the daily newspaper Washington Post. According to him, the jurors were divided, six to six, Monday evening, at the time of a first count, regarding the guilt of Hunter Biden. According to his account, his father’s politics and identity never mattered. On the other hand, the broadcast of extracts from his autobiography to the audience, entitled Beautiful Things (Gallery Books, 2021), would have greatly impressed the jurors. Hunter Biden bluntly detailed the torments of drugs and his sordid sexual adventures.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers The Hunter Biden trial continues to place the American presidential campaign in the courtrooms

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“No one in this country is above the law”

“Ultimately, this case was not just about addiction, a disease that haunts families across the United States, including Hunter Biden’s family”, explained David Weiss, the special counsel behind the accusation. According to the latter, these are the choices made by the condemned “and the combination of weapons and drugs that made his driving dangerous.” David Weiss paid tribute to the team of lawyers and magistrates who assisted him, in a striking mirror effect with the declaration of Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan prosecutor, following the conviction of Donald Trump. The words were almost identical. “No one in this country is above the lawsaid David Weiss. Everyone must be responsible for their actions, including this defendant. »

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