The free movement of people with the EU is an important success factor for Switzerland. It is crucial that Swiss companies have access to foreign labor, especially in the context of changing demographics and growing labor shortages. However, the resulting immigration concerns the Swiss population, as shown by the 2024 Opportunities Barometer.
It is therefore essential to use the indigenous labor potential optimally. The better Switzerland achieves this, the less dependent it will be on foreign labor. In a new document produced jointly, the Swiss Employers’ Union and economiesuisse present the facts and challenges relating to the Swiss labor market. Concrete examples also illustrate what the economy is already undertaking to make the best use of indigenous labor potential. So that this can be used even better in the future, beyond the commitment of companies, good state framework conditions are required, with policy being called upon to improve them further.
Furthermore, it is essential that Switzerland can continue to increase labor productivity. The more productive workers are, the lower the need for additional labor to achieve a certain level of prosperity. Here too, the state has a duty to create quality framework conditions to further increase productivity. In this regard, it is also a question of reducing the excessive growth of recent years in the public sector to a reasonable and sustainable level.
This document, entitled “Better use of indigenous labor potential” can be downloaded here:
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