hospital involved in raising awareness of the risks of stroke

hospital involved in raising awareness of the risks of stroke
Dreux hospital involved in raising awareness of the risks of stroke

The hospital participates each year in an awareness and prevention day, to alert the general public to the dangers and treatment of stroke. This day was set for November 5.

Stroke is a life-threatening emergency and a public health issue. Its care concerns around 350 people per year in Dreux, or a little less than one person per day. The Dreux hospital joined the national awareness campaign on November 5.

Head of the neurology department, Olivier Temgoua insists on the importance of a rapid reaction to the symptoms which indicate the imminence of a stroke.

Neurologist Valentin Bohotin warns of the consequences of stroke

“A well-aware population is a population that manages itself better.”

Doctor Olivier Temgoa (head of the neurology department at Dreux hospital)

Risk factors

The risk of stroke is betrayed by different situations. This may include a paralyzed face, an inability to lift an arm or leg, or difficulty speaking.

“Continue to seek treatment: a reminder from a former doctor at Dreux hospital

“You must immediately call 15” warns Doctor Temgoua. Stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or ruptures. Early treatment is crucial to limit functional sequelae. Regarding patient care, the department has two neurovascular intensive care units in Dreux and .

Risk factors for stroke are high blood pressure, diabetes, increased cholesterol, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity, an unbalanced diet and atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat).

Malik Laïdi




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