the left is indignant, the right and the RN applaud

the left is indignant, the right and the RN applaud
the left is indignant, the right and the RN applaud


The national plan to combat absenteeism among civil servants provokes numerous reactions.

It was enough to mention an increase in the waiting period in the civil service for the right-left divide to resurface. The plan to combat absenteeism among civil servants, unveiled by the Minister of the Civil Service in an interview with Figaro has already caused a lot of ink to flow. Guillaume Kasbarian wishes in particular “increase the number of waiting days from one to three”in order to align the civil service regime with that of the private sector and achieve around 1.2 billion euros in savings.

On the left, reactions are unanimously negative. At the microphone of Inter, Manuel Bompard judged this measure “scandalous”. For the national coordinator of La France insoumise, a large part of absences in the public service are the result of “suffering at work”. “We must fight against the reasons for this suffering and not target those who are its victims”estimates the elected official from Bouches-du-Rhône. The environmentalist MP Sandrine Rousseau delivers the same analysis and also highlights the loss of «sens» of the work of civil servants. “Your only answer is punishment?”she asked about “better work on workplace accidents and the cause of stoppages”.

A measure defended by the RN

Conversely, right-wing elected officials welcomed a measure which would make it possible to respond to the increase in the number of days of absence in the public service. Starting with Jordan Bardella. On France 2, the president of the National Rally said «favorable»provided that it allows “finance measures in favor of purchasing power and pay overtime for a certain number of civil service agents”like prison officers and law enforcement. At the microphone of RTL, the nationalist deputy Sébastien Chenu also approved this measure, recalling that Marine Le Pen's program contained the adjustment of the civil service regime to the private sector – by establishing the waiting period at two days. The Horizons president of the social affairs committee at the National Assembly, Frédéric Valletoux, spoke of a “good track” on TF1.




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