what we know about the arrest of Doro Gaye

what we know about the arrest of Doro Gaye
what we know about the arrest of Doro Gaye

Doro Gaye, CEO of Cim-Translog Suarl and Senegalese businessman, was taken into police custody on Monday after his interview by the Gendarmerie research section. This arrest follows a complaint filed by Zakiloulahi Sow, Managing Director of the company Sci Amanah, representing Senegalese and foreign investors. The incident occurred on May 27 at the Terrou-Bi Hotel Casino, involving a case of land fraud involving an amount of 1.2 billion CFA francs.

The case revolves around a check issued by Doro Gaye on March 22, 2024, payable to SIRAJ, a company managed by Zakiloulahi Sow. This check, drawn on FBNBank, came back unpaid, leading to the summons and then arrest of Doro Gaye. He is accused of having sold leases on the site of the former Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport in Dakar.

Zakiloulahi Sow, who initiated the complaint, himself has a controversial legal past. As Managing Director of Siraj Financial Holding, Zakiloulahi Sow was involved in a 5 billion CFA francs fraud case against Abdoulaye Sylla. This case ended with unsuccessful criminal mediation. In January, Zakiloulahi Sow promised to certify through a notary that the 5 billion CFA francs belonged to Sylla, a promise which was never kept. To avoid prison, Zakiloulahi Sow presented a medical certificate.

Doro Gaye, in police custody since Monday, was accused by Zakiloulahi Sow of the fraudulent sale of leases on the site of the former Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport (AILSS) in Dakar. According to Doro Gaye, the leases in question were granted to him by Macky Sall, the former president, to finance certain secret missions.

To try to resolve this matter amicably, Doro Gaye and his lawyers are seeking criminal mediation, proposing a deposit of 500 million CFA francs, with the balance to be paid before the end of July 2024. This proposal, however, requires the agreement of the complainant.

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