Credits: the Federal Council wins all the way

Credits: the Federal Council wins all the way
Credits: the Federal Council wins all the way

We expected cuts here and there, given the state of federal finances, but this was not the case. This Tuesday, before the National, the Federal Council managed to pass all its requests for supplements for the 2024 budget for a total amount of 605.5 million francs, while the People’s Chamber had just ratified a loss of 1. 4 billion francs for the 2023 accounts.

The most contested object on the National right side was an extension of 255.1 million francs to manage the influx of asylum seekers. 239 million will be spent on accommodation infrastructure and 16.1 million to increase the staffing of the State Secretariat for Migration so as not to fall behind in decisions.

The UDC opposed all these amounts in vain. The PLR ​​proposed to reduce the 239 million to 167.3 million, but it failed, narrowly by 98 votes to 95.

Jumbled together, the National agreed to increase the support of the Confederation for the Women’s Euro 2025 from 4 to 15 million francs. It also voted 1 million francs and a commitment credit of 5 million for Switzerland Tourism (against the opinion of the UDC and the PLR). The same amounts were allocated to the Federal Office of Transport (FOT) for a combined public transport ticket.

The National also gave its approval to include in the budget an amount of 315.1 million francs for energy reserve plants. These amounts are self-financed by revenues and have no consequences on federal finances.

These proposals were able to pass thanks to a solid coalition between the Center, the left and the Green Liberals. They still have to go through the Council of States, but this should not pose any particular problems.



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