69 billion dirhams of investments as of September 30, 2024

The Regional Investment Center (CRI) of Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma revealed its figures for the first nine months of 2024, illustrating notable progress in terms of investments, job creation and approved projects . With a total amount of approved investments reaching 69 billion dirhams, the region confirms its economic dynamism and its growing attractiveness.

The CRI approved 618 projects via the Unified Regional Investment Commission (CRUI), an increase of 131% compared to 2021. These projects are expected to generate nearly 60,000 stable jobs, thus strengthening the local job market.

Investments are spread across several provinces in the region, with Tangier-Assilah in the lead, benefiting from 48.65 million dirhams of investments for 29,268 jobs. Fahs-Anjra stands out with 9.8 million dirhams for 17,901 jobs, followed by M’Diq-Fnideq, Tétouan, and Larache.

Acceleration of administrative procedures

The report also highlights the notable improvement in processing times for investment files. In 2024, the average processing time fell to 4.13 days, compared to 10.4 days in 2021, reflecting an optimization of administrative processes to quickly respond to the needs of investors.

Read also|Tangier: Work to convert the former wholesale market into exhibition space reaches 80%

Growth sectors and business creation

The region is recording sustained activity in various sectors, such as industry, construction, agriculture, and information technology. In terms of business creation, 6,881 new companies were created as of August 30, 2024, with an average creation time reduced to 1.55 days, positioning the region in 2nd place nationally.

Training and support for project leaders

The CRI organized 108 training sessions, benefiting 3,853 people, and resolved 148 conciliation cases. These efforts show CRI’s commitment to supporting the emergence of new projects and creating an environment favorable to economic growth in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region.

Rachid Mahmoudi



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