how to find the location of a photograph

how to find the location of a photograph
how to find the location of a photograph

You have an old photographyphotography and you ask the question: where could this shot have been captured? Sometimes, as in one of the examples we will see below, the elements which could authorize recognition are quite weak. Is there a way to find out more?

Artificial intelligence has been there and there are now at least eight applicationsapplications dedicated to what we call geospatial analysis: GeoSpy, Cybertiks, Picterra, Flypix, Cartographer…

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Here we will see how the best known of the lot works: Geospy, accessible at this address: This tool relies on a combination of advanced image recognition and machine learning, and works to identify the distinctive characteristics of elements such as landscapes, monuments or buildings to deduce the location of a photo. The technology implemented by Geospy manages to identify such locations even when the photograph is taken at an unusual angle. And the more time passes, the more its results improve. We’re going to get to the bottom of it here.

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Advanced image recognition

From the GeoSpy page, load a snapshot of your computer, then let it carry out its analysis. In the majority of cases, you should be surprised by its accuracy. Thus, in the cases that we submitted to him, he was notably able to identify the Yellowstone Park in Wyoming (United States) from a photo in which this identification might not seem obvious. In fact, as long as there are a few notable elements in the setting, Geospy gets the job done and we couldn’t fault it once. And as you will notice, the application even goes so far as to indicate which camera was used and suggests that we can find out more about the indicated location, via Google Maps, as below.

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