“We are not pawns”: two elected officials from Team Fouad Ahidar in the City of Brussels leave the party, they explain themselves

Two elected officials from Team Fouad Ahidar in Brussels will now sit as independents, citing differences in values ​​with their head of the list.

In the City of Brussels, two elected officials from Team Fouad Ahidar, Kader Sati and Yousra Nouar, announced Friday evening that they will sit as independents. Reason given: a divergence with the head of the list (editor’s note: Moura Maimouni) on the values ​​to defend.

“We thank Fouad (editor’s note: Ahidar) for his trust and we always consider that he is a person worthy of respect, but in recent weeks and throughout the electoral campaign, it has become clear that we do not share not the same values ​​as our head of list at the City of Brussels Our project must be a collective project and not focused on a single individual. We are not pawns, we also deserve respect. “communal means working for the well-being of the population and that is better than scripted sketches that ridicule politics and our city”they explained in a press release.

Announcing their intention to sit as independents, the two councilors intend “make things happen positively for our population”. They say to themselves “convinced that a progressive project” can help them.

They finally said they remained faithful to their values ​​and continued to be “available to every citizen who wishes to support a humane and united city”.

In the City of Brussels, Team Ahidar won 5 seats (out of 49) after the vote last Sunday. So he has 3 left.

It was the PS-Vooruit list led by outgoing mayor Philippe Close which won the elections, winning 16 seats (-2). It preceded in order the MR+ lists (12 seats; +5); PTB-PVDA (7 seats; +1); Ecolo-Groen (6 seats; -3).

Team Fouad Ahidar now has the same number of seats as the Engaged (3).

Team Fouad Ahidar ville de Bruxelles Kader Sati Yousra Nouar




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