In Afghanistan, two television channels stop showing living beings

In Afghanistan, two television channels stop showing living beings
In Afghanistan, two television channels stop showing living beings
– / AFP In Aghanistan, the Mah-e-Naw television channel only broadcasts audio, banned by the Talibants from photos and videos of living beings

– / AFP

In Aghanistan, the Mah-e-Naw television channel only broadcasts audio, banned by the Talibants from photos and videos of living beings

MEDIA – Two television channels in a province in northern Afghanistan have stopped broadcasting images of living beings in accordance with orders from the morality police, journalists told AFP on Tuesday October 15.

All news media in Takhar province have been banned from taking images of living beings and broadcasting them, officials from the Ministry of Public Health told AFP on condition of anonymity on Tuesday. Virtue and Prevention of Vice (PVPV).

The PVPV announced on Monday that it was starting to gradually apply a law prohibiting the media from using photos and videos of people and animals.

These rules are part of recently announced legislation by Afghanistan’s Taliban government implementing its strict interpretations of Islamic law imposed since it came to power in 2021.

An AFP journalist in Takhar province said the private channel Mah-e-Naw on Tuesday evening only showed its logo with audio broadcasts.

The public channel RTA has broadcast national programs, which continue to show people and animals, instead of the usual provincial evening news.

Takhar journalists, who did not wish to be identified for fear of reprisals, said provincial broadcasters had restricted their production after a meeting called by the PVPV on Sunday.

“The PVPV ordered all regional (television) media in Takhar that after the meeting they could make radio reports but could not use images” including living beings, under penalty of legal proceedings, a journalist told AFP.

“After this, journalists from national television and other regional media will all be forced to obey”he said.

In recent days, PVPV officials held meetings in at least two other provinces to inform journalists that the law would be gradually implemented throughout the country.

Television and images of living beings were banned nationwide under the previous Taliban regime from 1996 to 2001, but the decree has yet to be imposed on a large scale since their return to power.

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