Psychology: can we heal emotional deficiencies?

These “wounds” suffered during childhood can notably impact the relational abilities of individuals.

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Matthew Colinet

Journalist at the Economy department

By Mathieu Colinet

Published on 05/17/2024 at 2:43 p.m.
Reading time: 4 min

PTo grow harmoniously, a child does not only need food and material care. He also needs attachment. When the latter is lacking, specialists speak of emotional deficiencies. “By this we mean the fact of a child not having his emotional and psychological needs met,” explains Cindy Mottrie, parent-baby psychotherapist at the Clairs Vallons Pediatric Medical Center and lecturer at ULB. “There’s nothing trivial about it. The World Health Organization also considers these deficiencies as a form of neglect, and the latter as a form of abuse. »

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