The Belgian start-up Bike 43 wants to revolutionize family transport: “Our bikes can replace 10,000 cars”

The Belgian start-up Bike 43 wants to revolutionize family transport: “Our bikes can replace 10,000 cars”
The Belgian start-up Bike 43 wants to revolutionize family transport: “Our bikes can replace 10,000 cars”

“Almost the only ones to make tailor-made products”

The prototype gave birth, a little later, to the company Bike 43, specializing in the design and manufacture of cargo bikes, mainly for family transport. The beginnings are timid but the start-up will find its second wind in 2022: Etienne Richelle is then joined by two investors, early customers, Thibaut Dehem and Miguel Van Damme. They give the project a new ambition. At their initiative, the company was recapitalized, both through personal contributions from the two new partners but also thanks to the support of Finance. brussels and bank loans. “We also decided to boost productionspecifies Thibaut Dehem, while keeping it located in Brussels” – Bike 43 collaborates with Travie, an adapted work company in Brussels whose team is mainly made up of hearing-impaired people. “And we have consolidated the ‘custom-made’ nature of our bikes while almost all of our competitors produce in Asia and cannot adapt their products to the customer’s needs. With us, he can truly personalize his bike: he can choose the color of his frame, the power of his engine, the type of transmission and decide on the accessories that will equip the bike and its finish.specifies Thibaut Dehem.


“With an electric car battery we can make 180 bicycle batteries 43. The cargo bike is therefore the ideal alternative to replacing a car.”

What does the only model sold by Bike 43 look like today? It is barely longer (around 20 cm) than a classic electric bike, thanks to its smaller wheels. But it can take 4 people on board – the pilot and 3 children, for example, for a maximum load of 170 kg. “In fact, since the beginning, we have made around thirty versions of the bike frame, says Etienne Richelle. And the arrival of Thibaut and Miguel made it possible to further strengthen the internal R&D team, which now has four people. Innovation is essential to stand out and evolve bikes. We therefore make prototypes for the different accessories, we test them in a very professional manner, imposing the strictest safety standards, before launching them. in production and to file patents.”

Bike 43, the only bike assembled in Brussels: “You can find cheaper but less comfortable models”

Equipped with a Bosch (or Shimano) motor, the Bike 43 bike is sold at a price of 4,800 euros, which can go up to 6,000 euros depending on the finish. The clientele “is predominantly female at the time of purchase (70%) but the husband very quickly takes ownership of the bike”smiles Thibaut Dehem.

Thibaut Dehem and Etienne Richelle, founder of Bike 43: “With us, the customer can truly personalize their bike”. ©Bike43

“Giving yourself the means to achieve your ambitions”

Among the advantages of the frame, there is obviously its “green” side. : “With an electric car battery, we can make 180 bicycle batteries 43. The cargo bike is therefore the alternative par excellence to replace a car and take the big step towards micromobility. Very often, a purchase results in the abandonment of one of the household’s two cars. Bike 43 therefore ultimately aims to replace some 10,000 cars. estimates Thibaut Dehem, specifying that Bike 43 sales are split half between Belgium and a series of countries in Europe, especially in France and Germany for the moment. In 2023, the company experienced its first profitable year, occupying a prominent place in a market of some 7,500 bicycles. long tail in Belgium.

What did the 3 partners learn from the Bike 43 adventure? “To exist in a market like ours, we must strengthen marketing capabilities, invest heavily in research and development to constantly improve our products, make them more reliable, more modular, more pleasant to drive and always guaranteeing more security. In short, think about constantly questioning yourself and giving yourself the means to achieve your ambitions.” Advice to follow for anyone who wants their start-up to one day reach adulthood.



NEXT MORIN, Robert | The Montreal Journal