“This Africa, which is developing rapidly, needs human capital”

“This Africa, which is developing rapidly, needs human capital”
“This Africa, which is developing rapidly, needs human capital”

Evoking the relevance of the theme of this edition of MD Sahara, Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, declared: “Today, it is a very important choice. This testifies to the liveliness of our media in dealing with eminently strategic subjects, and this one in particular, which is in alignment with the enlightened vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God help him, for an Africa resolutely committed to the path to progress and prosperity. »

Following this introduction, the minister recalled the demographic situation in Africa: “Demographically, we represented 16% of the world population in 2022, and we will be more than 27% in 2050,” he informed before plan for the challenges of the future by stipulating: “There will be more than 38 million of us in 2030, while there were 20 million in 2020; the number of students will practically double. »

Read also: Ryad Mezzour: “The Moroccan initiative aims to create added value of 58% in trade with the European Union”

That said, Miraoui adds: “Our continent is the one with the greatest student mobility. Student mobility today is unfortunately outgoing and not incoming: our students go abroad to train, which represents a major issue to address, particularly because Her Majesty’s directions are very clear on this subject. »

Regarding the university framework, Miraoui emphasizes: “This Africa, which is developing rapidly, needs human capital. We have understood today that our capital is first of all well-trained minds, resilient human beings who have all the capacities to cope with changes”, and he adds: “The university system is at the heart of transformations, forming human capital in capacity. This is the real challenge of our continent”, recalling that “human capital is not limited to disciplinary training and diplomas. »



NEXT MORIN, Robert | The Montreal Journal