In video – “I interviewed a bishop on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church”

Isabelle Boudjkhi

Published on May 10, 2024 at 09:10. / Modified on May 10, 2024 at 09:12.

It’s not just a bishop who talks about sexual abuse in the Church, he was accused of having covered up the guilty, he almost died and today wants to make things happen. For three months, between December 2023 and February 2024, the journalist from Time Camille Krafft met Monseigneur Charles Morerod, bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Friborg with the aim of writing a book of interviews on the problem of sexual abuse in the Church.

In this video, she tells us about the questions she had to face during interviews with the highest representative of the Catholic Church in French-speaking Switzerland. She tells us about her job as a journalist and explains how she worked so as not to “restore the image of a much-maligned institution”. Because it was at the request of Charles Morerod that these conversations between the journalist and the prelate began. This rare testimony allows us to enter in detail into the mind of a Catholic bishop who is trying to open a dialogue on the still taboo theme of pedophilia in the Church. He says he does so in order to answer the many questions that victims ask him about the steps taken to put an end to the abuse.

Also listen Céline Zünd’s podcast which gives voice to two victims of sexual abuse within the church

During these interviews, Charles Morerod agreed to answer all of the journalist’s questions. You will not kill thus addresses themes such as the ordination of women and the celibacy of priests, highlighting the limits of a system based on the omnipotence of priests.

Available in bookstores from Friday May 10: Testimony. Camille Kraft, “You shall not overdo it. A bishop in turmoil tells”, Slatkine, 184 p.



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