“What hurt me…”, Abdoulaye Sow warns…

“What hurt me…”, Abdoulaye Sow warns…
“What hurt me…”, Abdoulaye Sow warns…

Mangoné KA

May 9, 2024 at 3:14 p.m.

The former Minister of Housing under Macky Sall still has in his throat this episode of heavy applause during the performance of President Diomaye Faye, on April 2 in Diamniadio, for certain presidents.

Abdoulaye Saydou Sow, during Bassirou Diomaye Faye’s performance, said he noted the divergent reactions towards leaders who came to power by different means.

His observation that presidents who came to power through a coup were applauded during the swearing-in, while those democratically elected were not, left some uneasy.

The minister also underlines the importance of “caution and responsibility in the actions of the country’s new authorities”, warning against “any act which could compromise democratic achievements and weaken the stability of Senegal”.

This warning underlines the collective responsibility of all members of the government in the preservation and consolidation of Senegalese democracy.



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