Cutting regional public transport could drive up prices

Cutting regional public transport could drive up prices
Cutting regional public transport could drive up prices

The list of budget cuts envisaged by the Federal Council is so long that some, although important, go almost unnoticed. This is particularly the case of a subsidy currently paid for regional passenger transport which could have major consequences, points out the “Tages-Anzeiger”.

Regional transport is in fact an unprofitable mission for companies. In order to ensure service even in sparsely populated regions, the Confederation covers half of their deficit, while the cantons cover the rest. But the group of experts mandated by the Federal Council recommends that everyone reduce this contribution by 5%, therefore saving Berne’s coffers nearly 60 million francs per year. To compensate, the price of tickets should then take the elevator, or the service should be reduced. Unless the cantons increase their contribution.

Facing the wall, they step up to the plate. Indeed, if half of the average deficit is covered by Berne, the coverage is not uniform: cantons like Geneva or Basel provide more than 70% of the costs, while Graubünden only covers 20%, due to unequal “structural requirements”. The Jura, for example, would be strongly affected by the slightest less franc, he worries to the RTS.

The Zurich Transport Association points out that an increase in costs would have no positive effect if it leads to a reduction in passengers. This risk is very real if the cost of the car remains low while that of public transport increases, she believes. Same problem if a drop in service causes a deterioration in the offer, adds his Lucerne counterpart. Valais, for its part, assures that if it has to increase its contribution, it will have to reduce the quality of the service. At the risk of breaking a proven system, the cantons unanimously denounce the RTS.

But whatever happens, change is underway. The Federal Finance Administration will establish a plan by January, incorporating comments from the cantons, and will then put it out for consultation. It is Parliament which will have the last word.



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