Tunisia: Outgoing President Saied declared winner of the presidential election

Tunisia: Outgoing President Saied declared winner of the presidential election
Tunisia: Outgoing President Saied declared winner of the presidential election

Outgoing President Saied declared winner of the presidential election

Exit polls estimate that Kais Saied won Sunday’s presidential election in Tunisia by a wide margin (with more than 89% of the vote).

Published: 06.10.2024, 10:51 p.m.

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The outgoing head of state in Tunisia Kais Saied, accused of “authoritarian drift” by the opposition and civil society, won the presidential election on Sunday with more than 89% of the vote, marked by very low participation, according to polls. exit from the polls.

Speaking on Sunday evening in his campaign headquarters, Kais Saied said, in a martial tone, that he wanted to “continue the 2011 Revolution” and build “a country cleansed of corrupt people and conspiracies”. “Tunisia will remain free and independent and will never accept foreign interference,” he added.

27.7% participation

According to the results of the Sigma Conseil institute broadcast on national television, Kais Saied obtained 89.2% of the votes in the first round, crushing the second candidate, Ayachi Zammel, 47, a liberal industrialist who did not obtained only 6.9% of the votes. The third, a deputy from the pan-Arab left Zouhair Maghzaoui, 59, won 3.9% of the vote. Preliminary official results are expected Monday afternoon.

Participation stood at 27.7% compared to 45% five years ago in the first round, according to the electoral authority Isie. Its president, Farouk Bouasker, deemed this rate “respectable”, although it is the lowest for a first round of presidential voting since the overthrow of dictator Ben Ali in 2011 in this country, which was the cradle of the democratic uprisings of Arab Spring.

“Worst participation since 2011”

Only Ayachi Zammel and Zouhair Maghzaoui, second knives according to experts, were authorized to face Kais Saied, 66, out of initially 17 applicants, dismissed for alleged irregularities. The opposition, whose leading figures are in prison, and Tunisian and foreign NGOs have criticized “a distorted vote” in favor of Kais Saied.

Ayachi Zammel has not been able to campaign because he has been imprisoned since the beginning of September and has three sentences of more than 14 years in prison for suspicion of false sponsorships. Zouhair Maghzaoui was considered “a stooge” because he had a left-wing sovereignist project similar to that of Kais Saied, whom he supported until recently.

“The legitimacy of the election is necessarily tainted when the candidates who could overshadow Kais Saied were systematically excluded,” Tunisian political analyst Hatem Nafti commented for AFP, also stressing that “he “This is the worst turnout since 2011.”

Low legitimacy

The candidate selection process had been highly contested due to the high number of sponsorships required, the imprisonment of known potential candidates, and the ouster by Isie of the president’s strongest rivals including Mondher Zenaidi, a former minister under the Ben Ali regime.

For the French Maghreb expert, Pierre Vermeren, even if with such a strong abstention, “the democratic legitimacy” of this election is “weak”, “Tunisia has a president and the majority of Tunisians let it happen”. He noted analogies with neighboring Algeria, “where no one questions President” Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

After the exit polls were announced, around 400 of the president’s supporters came out to celebrate his victory, waving flags and his photo in front of the municipal theater in the center of Tunis, chanting “the people want Kais again.” A group cheerfully sang the national anthem.


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