Aeronautical industry: the Aciturri group inaugurates its production site in Midparc

Speaking on this occasion, the director of Aeronautical, railway, naval and renewable energy industries to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Afaf Saidihighlighted the importance of this inauguration, which marks a significant step in the development of the sector aeronautics au Morocco.

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This site will be dedicated to the production of engine parts for renowned programs, notably the LEAP (Leading Edge Aviation Propulsion) 1A, LEAP 1B and LEAP 1C, she continued, stressing that this project illustrates the attractiveness and visibility of the Moroccan industrial ecosystem, as well as the quality of its resources human.

“We are proud to welcome an investor of the caliber ofAciturrithe first Spanish industrialist to set up on the Moroccan aeronautical platform. This reflects the strength of economic relations between theSpain and Morocco”, declared Ms. Saidi. And to note that the acquisition of the GOAM site in 2023 by the group will not only double its production capacity, but also strengthen and complete the value chain of theMoroccan aeronautical industry.

For his part, the CEO of the Aciturri group, Gines Clementepresented the reasons for establishing the company in Morocco, highlighting a strategic ambition focused on growth. The Aciturri group aims to balance its aeronautical activities, which currently represent 80% of its organization, by multiplying its turnover in the engine sector by five or six, he explained, noting that the decision to implement a branch in Morocco is part of a desire to develop this market while consolidating the group’s presence in and in Spain. For his part, the president of Midparc, Hamid Benbrahim El Andaloussihighlighted the importance of welcoming Aciturri, a leading subcontractor for Safran et Airbuswhich is currently developing activities in the propulsion sector Bouskoura.

According to him, the arrival of Aciturri in Morocco marks the start of a new phase of development for Moroccan aeronautics, characterized by the diversification of markets and the acceleration of establishments.

Furthermore, Mr. El Andaloussi highlighted the position of the Kingdom as an essential base ofglobal aeronauticsshowing a growth rate above 20%, exports reaching $4.5 billion, a workforce of 40,000 young workers and around 40% value added.

The inauguration took place in the presence of the general director of the Deposit and Management Fund, Khalid Safirfrom the Spanish ambassador to Rabat, Enrique Ojeda Vila and the governor of the province of Nouaceur, Abdellah Chater.



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