Arthur has suffered three losses in five years, his insurer wants to cancel his home insurance: does he have the right?

Arthur has suffered three losses in five years, his insurer wants to cancel his home insurance: does he have the right?
Arthur has suffered three losses in five years, his insurer wants to cancel his home insurance: does he have the right?

In Belgium, as elsewhere in the world, the frequency and intensity of natural disasters are increasing… And this has repercussions on our home insurance. This is what Arthur experienced, who contacted us via Alert Us: his house was hit by three storms in five years. Today, his insurer wants to cancel his home insurance contract. Is this really legal?

Arthur’s house has been hit by three storms in five years. Today, his insurer wants to cancel his home contract, much to Arthur’s dismay. The latter wonders: is it legal?

Yes, the insurer has every right to terminate a contract, provided that it respects what has been set out in the general conditions. You should know that every company is obliged to include coverage for natural disasters, but Arthur’s case is special. Three storms in five years is a lot.

Two possible solutions

In this case, the insurer may judge that Arthur’s situation is too risky. Two solutions are then available to him: the company can either terminate the contract or propose modifications in order to reduce the risk.

This may include, for example, raising certain levels or carrying out work in the cellar. All these tasks are obviously the responsibility of the insured.

Ombudsman, what is it?

If these solutions are not suitable, it is possible to file a complaint with your insurer. And if the response is still not satisfactory, the complainant can contact the Insurance Ombudsman. A somewhat complicated name, but important to remember, because it is the mediator between you and your insurance.

The ombudsman helps people who encounter difficulties with an insurance company or an insurance intermediary“, specifies the Belgian Ombudsman Network.

RIRAVQ RTL INFO answers your home insurance questions



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