What is the Béhourd French Cup organized for the 3rd time in Gironde?

What is the Béhourd French Cup organized for the 3rd time in Gironde?

A legacy of medieval jousting on foot, Béhourd is a combat sport discipline that brings together hundreds of fighters in France. On the weekend of September 14 and 15, 2,000 to 3,000 spectators are expected at the Château de Faugas.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

Steel armor and weapons that, although deliberately blunt, are replicas of those from the Middle Ages. Since its creation in 2014, the French Behourd Federation has licensed enthusiasts of combat sports of yesteryear. “Behourd is the modern expression of a medieval sport which takes up the basics of combat in armor, alone or in a team,” describes Hugues Hardy, president of the Bordeaux club Pardus Bellator. For the third consecutive year, the winemaker is organizing the Coupe de France de Béhourd at his family estate, the Château de Faugas (Gironde). On the menu: solo or team clashes – the number of fighters can reach up to 30 men in each camp.

Close to boxing or MMA fights according to Hugues Hardy, Béhourd is practiced from the age of 18 by licensees with a medical certificate. “Our armor and weapons are replicas of the equipment of the time. They meet very precise specifications. Our weapons are blunted and our complete outfit is checked by the referees before entering the competition.” The aim of the game? To bring all opponents to the ground by wrestling, leaving the arena, submitting or knocking out, depending on the duel.

Also read‘I collapsed in pain’: Man injured by medieval weapon in behourd tournament near Bordeaux

A “brutal sport”?

“At first glance, like all impact sports, you could say that it’s a brute force sport. But in reality, there’s a lot of training and techniques involved, so being a heavyweight works until you come across someone who’s trained.”explains Hugues Hardy. The only tournament in France where the three major scrum categories compete, the Coupe de France de Béhourd is a crucial stage for teams preparing for international tournaments. 25 men’s teams and 5 women’s teams from all over France, from Metz to Monaco, are already registered.

Clubs, which choose fighters internally for 5-on-5 duels, also train “alliances by affinity” when it comes to lining up teams to play 12 against 12 or 30 against 30. Still very amateur despite its professionalization in recent years, Béhourd is a sport of “good understanding and frank camaraderie”An atmosphere that attracts many spectators: 2000 to 3000 people are expected at the Château de Faugas on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September.


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