Super League live: Follow the second Rhône derby of the season

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Servette equalizes just before the break in Sion
Servettiens and Sedunois compete this evening in an important match for the rest of their season. The meeting is to be followed from 8:30 p.m.
1 : 1
47. minute
Small sequence of floating while the Var is still active. The goal is indeed validated!
45. minute
The goal is not for the moment not granted. The Var intervenes to verify the purpose of equalization.
45. minute
Antuneeeeees !!!
On a good collective action, Servette cracks the Valais defense. Stevanovic finds Antunes alone in the center which comes to deceive Fayulu.
43. minute
Sion finished the first period in attack. Chouaref tries to find the flaw but the Valaisan knits a little too much. Servette can emerge.
41. minute
Double judgment of the sedun porter who first opposed Crivelli and then in Antunes. Servette does not get there …
40. minute
Beau Pressing de Chouaref on Mazikou. The Servettienne defense plays with fire to recovery.
39. minute
Miranchuk tries his luck by far but his shot is unscrewed and flees the frame.
37. minute
Small drop in pace in this period. The few faults chop the game.
35. minute
Beniangba is sanctioned for contact with Lavanchy in his surface. Sion will benefit from a free kick and will be able to breathe a little.
33. minute
Chouaref fixes the defenders and takes advantage of Miranchuk’s call to strike to the goal. Mall gets longer and concedes the corner.
32. minute
Crivelli collapses near the surface, but Mr. Tschudi intervenes for a offside position.
31. minute
Dangerous strike from Miranchuk who forces Mall to deviate the leather in corner.
30. minute
Lots of pace in this first half hour. The opening of the Sedunian score forced the garnet to react.
29. minute
On the recovery, Chouaref takes advantage of a defensive error to go alone to the goal. The seduunois is slow a little too much and the fast outing of the Servettien porter is saving.
28. minute
Good center of Mazikou for Crivelli. Unfortunately the Servettien scorer gets ahead of Barba!
27. minute
First logical card for this Hajrizi’s fault on Antunes which launched a counter.
25. minute
Servette pushes again and again to try to go and crack the Valais defense which is holding for the moment.
23. minute
It is panic in the Valais area. The Sedunois are assaulted by opposing attempts.
22. minute
DE BARBA rescue on his line !
The central defender repairs the hazardous exit of his porter. Corner for Servette.
21. minute
New Fayulu parade !
Magnificent Beniangba opportunity. The young Servettien opens his foot after eliminating Lavanchy but the sedun porter opposes once again.
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