Press release – HPV vaccination of 5th grade students in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, reopening of the authorization collection platform from 01/20/2025

Parents of students of 5th can agree to have their child vaccinated, free of charge, against human papillomavirus (HPV) infections during the second visit to the vaccination center in spring 2025. They simply need to complete and sign the form, online, before March 10 2025:

The ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in collaboration with the Nouvelle-Aquitaine academic region and the Assurance Maladie Nouvelle-Aquitaine, launched in September 2024 and for the second consecutive year, the HPV vaccination campaign intended for schoolchildren. 5th.

Why is vaccination in college an opportunity?

For children

  • It now protects against many cancers that can occur in adulthood, in both women and men,
  • Middle school is the ideal time to carry out this vaccination, which only requires two doses before the age of 14, compared to three doses between the ages of 15 and 19.
  • The immune response is optimal at this age, providing maximum protection.

For parents

  • Offering this vaccination means protecting your child against a virus that they will probably encounter during their life (8 out of 10 people are exposed to HPV), particularly during their first intimate contacts,
  • This college campaign is free and fully covered, with no advance costs or need to have mutual insurance.

For everyone’s health

  • Many countries that have implemented school vaccination have observed a clear increase in vaccination coverage. This made it possible to significantly reduce the circulation of HPV and, ultimately, the incidence of associated cancers.

Reopening of the authorization collection platform: parents of students aged 5th can still give their agreement from January 20 until March 10, 2025

Since January 6, the platform for collecting authorizations for the vaccination of middle school students from 5th is accessible again. Parents of students of 5thwho have not yet given their authorization to have their child vaccinated, can go to the secure platform. It is accessible until March 10, 2025.

This process is necessary for the child to be vaccinated at school. It requires the agreement of both parents.

The authorization collection platform is directly accessible from the HPV website Parents will also receive an email from the college inviting them to give their consent (via school applications, e.g. Pronote or Ecoledirecte).

A new chance for 5 year oldsth in New Aquitaine to be vaccinated against HPV

Teams from vaccination centers in the region carried out a first HPV vaccination campaign in middle schools at the end of 2024, administering the first dose to 5 year old To ensure effective protection against these viruses, two doses are necessary.

This is why, in spring 2025, the 22 vaccination centers assigned to the region will once again intervene in colleges to administer second doses. This This step offers a new opportunity to initiate the process for parents who have not yet given their authorization to have their children vaccinated. A second dose will then be offered to them, later, in class 4th during the 2025/2026 school year. Parents who wish can also have their children vaccinated in town with their doctor, a pharmacist or a midwife.

Find out more about how a vaccination session takes place

Parents who wish can go to the site to find out about this vaccination. They will find many videos there and in particular, a report during a vaccination session carried out at the Bourran college in Mérignac, with testimonies from students.


Parents also have the opportunity to ask questions to vaccination experts, via a form, with a rapid response assured.

Two essential vectors for preventing papillomaviruses: vaccination and screening

This vaccination aims to protect children from infection by HPV viruses. These viruses are very contagious and are transmitted through mucous membranes or skin during intimate contact, with or without penetration.. Contamination usually occurs at the very beginning of sexual lifecondoms are not effective against these viruses.

These viruses cause 6,300 cancers each year (cervical, ENT, anus, penis, etc.), but also
30,000 precancerous lesions whose treatments can have obstetric consequences (prematurity, etc.) and 100,000 anogenital warts. 25% of HPV-induced cancers occur in men.

Cervical cancer screening remains very important and saves many lives every year, by making it possible to detect and treat lesions at an early stage. This screening concerns all women aged 25 and over, whether vaccinated or not. This cancer represents only half of the cancers induced by HPV. To date, there is no systematic screening for ENT cancers and other locations.

Vaccination and screening are therefore complementary and essential to protect the population. and prevent the numerous cancers induced by HPV:

  • Vaccination, to avoid infection,
  • Screening, to diagnose the infection, allow early treatment and limit the consequences.

For more information, visit:



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