A word from Rodolphe Burger: “unexpected”

A word from Rodolphe Burger: “unexpected”
A word from Rodolphe Burger: “unexpected”

” It is and courage courant, ce is not not of All and courage complicated, et in even temps, That do part of the mots Who are of the mots thinking or of the mots Who give has think. Il enough of linger and little above or of THE combiner of a certain manner pour what All of a coup, on discover their potential, ils with put has talk. »

Of the mots Who give has think, il y in a plein THE texts of son last album, « Avalanche ». And album In which the guitarist et singer Rodolphe Burger, figure unavoidable of rock alternative Since THE years 80, a sign the most of the texts of ses songs. A poetry scope has the times par a voice grave, presque hypnotic, et ce sentence and singular. Certainly, the man aime surprise, All as Besides, il aime be surprised. The evidence with the courage that he a selected pour cet episode.

And against, a history.

Lucie Bouteloup.



” SO, moi, I have envy of YOU talk of courage unexpected. For what ce against? SO, It is the idea that he covers, quoi, Who a given lieu has writing of a chanson with mon ami Pierre Alferi, mon ami writer with Who I have do enormously of songs. Et That, It is the last that we ait done Really ensemble, et elle opens mon new album « Avalanche ». More the refrain, and l’on can dire, It is “on can very GOOD to wait for, All court, on can very GOOD to wait for the unexpected.” Et It is That what I have envy of to leave resonate, quoi, this idea what the unexpected, that’s to say par definition ce that we it is can not to wait for, and on l’attend, il East plus unexpected. SO, It is just ce paradox what, what the unexpected, pour that he appeared, pour that he come, pour that we can welcome him, il must it is not wait for it. Or SO, il must be In this position to wait All court, to wait Nothing. »

[De vous à moi, qu’attendez-vous au juste ?]

More SO, this surprise, cet unexpected, When il arises, of the times, It is pour the best et Then, That can be Also pour the pire.


Oui, It is TRUE. Nevertheless, the do what That can be pour the pire, It is Also ce Who allow what That can be the best. It is, here it is, ce that we could to call otherwise the event, the accident Also, with the double sens of ce term, since THE Greeks were calling That the kairos, what. It is the chance, the chance that he must know to input. »


« Ce courage SO, of a certain manner, il defines presque All ce disk because what it was totally unexpected, the manner dont All ce disk is do. Et It is always a dimension and little unexpected In ce what is do et It is ce what is research, is could dire, even In the musique, au fond. I like GOOD Also the courage English “unexpected”. That could even allow of make Also and verb Who does not exist not, Who would be “unexpect”, quoi. It is a attitude Who would be : au lieu to wait some chose, to wait for All court ; That wanna dire quoi, to wait for the unexpected? Voilà. It is and little… It is in shape enigma Also. »

Ce verb, il does not exist not. Il should exist.

” Yes. Yes, oui… »

According to the dictionary The Robert, the courage unexpected East and adjective Who defines ce has quoi on it is expected not. It is and synonymous unforeseen, unexpectedly.

It was And against, a history.



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