Brigitte Bardot ends the year in style by tackling a hunting plan involving the harvesting of 594 chamois in the Doubs.
Certainly, our national Brigitte Bardot will not have lost a bit of the year that has just passed. No rest for the anti-hunting people, the fight is until December 31!
Ah this famous hunting plan! Since anti-hunting people can shout without restraint that the bad hunters have obtained authorization to kill 600 chamois for no reason…they're having a field day.
Massacre, morbid privilege, unfair competition with wolves and lynxes and even conspiracy, the matter has been turned around in all directions. It was therefore unthinkable that the queen of animal friends would be an exception and not make her little comment.
“Nothing ever stops the hunters and the State delights, in mediocre clientelism, in sacrificing the living on the altar of the particular interests of the hunters who still dare to dress themselves in the guise of protectors of biodiversity”
“You cannot and must not condone and be complicit in such a massacre.”
A simplistic and murderous attack, like the animalist thinking which has plagued debates for several years. Anti-hunting and animalists wallow in this gratuitous hatred and spread invectives against hunters without an ounce of questioning. “Demonize and abolish hunting by all means” : a tailor-made slogan for those who do not hesitate to attack everything that can be attacked, even if it means wallowing miserably. The important thing is to make as much fuss as possible.
If you are looking for a supported explanation or solid arguments, go your way. You will only find emotion, conspiracy and guilt here. An intervention that is all the more shaky as it does not take into account the context in which this hunting plan was established. If in other departments, hunters have agreed to reduce their harvests to encourage the return of large predators, Doubs is facing too high a density of animals requiring the intervention of hunters.
Un sujet déjà abordé sur Chasses Éternelles mi-décembre et que vous pouvez retrouver ici : Les chasseurs laissent les chamois aux lynx
Cloaked in a visceral hatred of hunting, Brigitte Bardot once again chooses to drown the debate in a stupid and unfounded appeal to emotion. It thus maintains this animalist and misanthropic imagination in which each human intervention is demonized and that of the animal sacralized.
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