“He looks sad and uncomfortable.”

“He looks sad and uncomfortable.”
“He looks sad and uncomfortable.”

These are the first images of Kendji Girac since the accident which almost proved fatal to him last April. A video of the singer was in fact published a few days ago by a fan account on Instagram. We see the artist with a few pounds less, posing alongside a little boy on a sunny terrace. Kendji Girac flashes a shy smile while chewing a licorice stick, reports The Independent.

Chain reactions

No one knows where or when this photo was taken. Which did not stop Internet users from reacting en masse to the appearance of their idol. “He looks so sad and uncomfortable.”, comments a woman. Some find it “emaciated” et “fatigue. Others wonder about this piece of licorice that he is chewing: “He had his lung punctured by the bullet so he must certainly stop smoking and the licorice stick helps to stop smoking”a fan answers them.

A controversial video

If many Internet users seem happy to see the singer back on his feet, some of them regret that this video was published on social networks. “The person who made this video should have kept it to themselves, he doesn’t necessarily want his image to be shared at this time. He wanted to spend his convalescence in peace, people should respect that”comments a woman.

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As a reminder, the singer shot himself by mistake during a drunken evening on April 22. According to the public prosecutor of Mont-de-Marsan, the 27-year-old artist allegedly wanted to “faking suicide” to try to get his partner to come back after an argument. Many Internet users wished him a good recovery.

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