Vivian, Cassandra… several candidates about to join the adventure of the Apprentis Champions

Vivian, Cassandra… several candidates about to join the adventure of the Apprentis Champions
Vivian, Cassandra… several candidates about to join the adventure of the Apprentis Champions

Today at 1:00 p.m. – by
Sorelle Spet

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On May 27, W9 viewers discovered a new program: The Apprentice Champions. The principle is simple. Sixteen emblematic candidates from the small screen agreed to exceed their limits, by taking on several sporting challenges imposed by Laurent Maistret, the host of the show. Divided into two teams, the participants have the honor of being coached by two great French names in athletics: Muriel Hurtis and Pierre-Ambroise Bosse. If the candidates said they were ready to do anything to win the tests and thus increase their prize pool which will be donated to an association, they were far from imagining that being a true champion would be so difficult! While morale is at its lowest for both teams, they have the opportunity to expand their ranks by welcoming two new apprentice champions. But for that, they will have to shine during a 4×100 meter relay.

Julien Tanti (The Apprentice Champions), exhausted, questions his place in the competition

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Just like his comrades, Julien Tanti entered the competition thinking that it would be easy. However, after several tests and a mediocre ranking, the father of two children questioned his real abilities. “Before coming here, I told myself that I was going to do well and that I was going to win three gold medals. But I’m a jo-bar [barjo, NDLR] ! In two events, I finished last and penultimate“, he declared, in the June 17 episode, available on M6+. Before adding, after learning of the next test that awaited him: “There, you need to re-motivate yourself! I know, today, that thanks to the special test, we have the possibility of having two people enter [dans notre équipe]. We need these two people because clearly our red team is weak!

The Apprentice Champions : who will be the two new participants to join the competition?

For both the Reds and the Yellows, the announcement of this 4×100 meter relay, complete with obstacles, increased the pressure a notch. If injuries have multiplied during training, the apprentice champions must keep a cool head and try to surpass themselves during this event, because as Laurent Maistret informed them: “Today, you will be able to win new athletes!“If we already know that Vivian, Cassandra, Gabriel and Louana are among the new recruits who must join the competition during the adventure, we will have to wait until the next episode to find out which of them will strengthen the ranks of the Yellow or Red!

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Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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