his wife Soraya reveals a damning personal detail about the affair, “At the table, Kendji abuses…”

It’s been a month now since Kendji Girac gave his family and his audience a big scare. While he was at a traveler reception area in Biscarrosse, in the Landes, the big winner of the third season of The Voice its fired a bullet in the chest. His partner Soraya Miranda and their little daughter Eva Alba, aged three, were present in the caravan.

Very quickly, wild rumors began to spread about the circumstances of the accident. Alcohol, cocaine, romantic disputes, suicide blackmail… The 27-year-old singer saw his private life, which until then had been rather preserved, exposed in the media. In the shadows since their love story began when they were only 17 years old, Soraya Miranda ended up speaking publicly for the first time on May 5 in the columns of Parisian.

“Kendji never blackmailed me into suicide”

His words: reestablish your truths. Initially, the young woman refuted any attempt at emotional blackmail on the part of her daughter’s father. “Kendji never blackmailed me into suicide. […] It never existed. I never suffered the slightest violence, whatsoever, from him. I am categorical. He is incapable of it”she insisted.

Before adding: “He is a man of great gentleness, romantic, in everyday life, he is a very kind person. It’s a sun. He is a very good dad with infinite tenderness, very playful. In public, he is modest. He is a man full of love.” Also, the Swiss denied having fled with his daughter while the interpreter of Gitano was in intensive care.

Soraya Miranda, Kendji Girac’s companion, is making headlines again

“This is completely false. I was in the hospital with him and stayed by his side the whole time. Since she left the hospital, we have been together with our daughter, obviously. His recovery will take time, and I will stay by his side.”, she confided. Besides, the mother was indignant : “How could anyone say that I had left France with our daughter? »

A few weeks after this update, Soraya Miranda is in the news again. Indeed, RMC Story broadcast a report on Monday May 20, 2024 entitled Kendji Girac: revelations about the hidden side of the singer in which it is mentioned several times.

photo credit: Instagram/@kendji Kendji Girac, Vianney and Mika

Kendji had drunk “nearly a dozen glasses”

Xavier Beneroso, journalist specializing in news items, returned to a revelation from the young woman. During the interview at Parisianthe latter had meant that Kendji had consumed “nearly one dozen glasses during lunch in Arcachon preceding the tragedy. “At the table, Kendji Girac abuses alcohol“ , says the voice-over. Xavier Beneroso, for his part, commented: “ When your partner counts the drinks you drink, it’s because he or she knows you have a problem with alcohol.”

Moreover, the star herself admitted that she had need care in a long message published on his social networks. “I apologized at length to my family and my team who have supported me since day one, but I wanted, on this special day that changed my life, to apologize to all of you because I know the pain and the worry I may have caused you”he wrote.



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