Florent Pagny records a song for Paul Watson

Florent Pagny records a song for Paul Watson
Florent Pagny records a song for Paul Watson

LInitiatives to support Paul Watson are multiplying. Japan accuses the 73-year-old Sea Shepherd activist of being co-responsible for damage and injuries aboard a Japanese whaling ship in 2010.

A decision which outrages the supporters of the environmental activist, who point the finger at his arrest on July 21 and the successive extensions of his incarceration in Greenland as well as the request for extradition to Japan. After the call launched by Brigitte Bardot in The Parisian and the petition carried by Hugo Clément and signed by numerous personalities such as Stéphane Bern, Nicola Sirkis and Romane Bohringer, a demonstration was organized at Place de la République, in , on September 4, in the presence of personalities such as Nagui, Mélanie Page and Shaka Ponk, who also has the environmental activist’s name chanted by his fans in concert.

ALSO READ Why Sea Shepherd finds itself in troubled watersIt is now a single which will support the request for the release of Paul Watson.

An idea from Francis Lalanne

Several artists have decided to give voice. Florent Pagny and Cali thus recorded a track with other artists in favor of the ecologist. We should also find on this single Anne Sila, Arielle Dombasle, David Hallyday, Véronique Sanson or even Yannick Noah and the group Tryo. A Japanese version was produced to “disseminate it to public opinion there”, according to lawyer Emmanuel Ludot li […] Read more



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