Warrants of detention, torture The 5 news of the day

Warrants of detention, torture The 5 news of the day
Warrants of detention, torture The 5 news of the day

It’s midnight, here is the summary of the most important information that marked the day of May 14, 2024.

Warrants of committal against Mourad Zeghidi and Borhen Bssais

The public prosecutor decided, Wednesday May 15, 2024, to issue arrest warrants against the journalists Mourad Zeghidi and Borhen Bssais. The latter appeared after having seen their preventive detention extended by 48 hours.

IFM announces the end of “Impossible Broadcast”

The private radio station IFM has just announced, Wednesday May 15, 2024, the cessation of its morning show “L’Émission Impossible”.

In its press release, the radio said it was very surprised by the decision of the public prosecutor to issue arrest warrants against the journalists Mourad Zeghidi and Borhen Bssais. She expressed her unconditional support for the journalists and announced the cessation of her Morning Show until their release.

US responds to latest arrests and assault on Lawyer’s House

Washington reacted during the State Department’s daily Press Briefing, on May 14, 2024, to the events occurring in Tunisia since last weekend, in particular the assault launched against the Lawyer’s House and the recent arrests.

In response to questions from reporters, Vedant Patel, principal deputy spokesperson for the US State Department, said: The United States of America is committed at all levels to supporting human rights, including freedom of expression in Tunisia..

Mehdi Zagrouba’s hearing interrupted to note traces of torture he allegedly suffered

The lawyer, Mehdi Zagrouba, arrested on the evening of Monday May 13, 2024, during a heavy-handed police assault at the Lawyer’s House, was the victim of torture, his lawyers claim.

In a statement to Business News, lawyer Ahmed Souab claims that the judge’s hearing of Mehdi Zagrouba was interrupted to examine the request filed by the defense for him to undergo medical examinations. Samu was contacted for an emergency transfer to the hospital.

Warrant of committal against Mehdi Zagrouba

The prosecution at the Tunis Court of First Instance issued, on Wednesday May 15, 2024, a committal warrant against lawyer Mehdi Zagrouba.



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