Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 922 of Friday May 10, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 922 of Friday May 10, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 922 of Friday May 10, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… In Brittany, Kelly faces her old demons. At the Institute, Cardone finds a new target. The new pastry teacher doesn’t leave anyone cold…

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Here it all begins broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you prefer not to know anything, move on.

Friday May 10 in Here it all begins…

Kelly faces Rosset… and Lenglart

In Brittany, Teyssier, Kelly, Salomé, Maya and Lionel finally arrive at the hotel where they will stay during the Coupe de France – the hotel of the chef Rosset where Laetitia worked as a chambermaid before she fired her as a messy one.

In the hall, Kelly soon runs into her. The latter welcomes her, expressing her joy at seeing her again and her eagerness to see her in the kitchen. Kelly is relieved that there is no tension. Chef Rosset then escorts her to Chef Lenglart, who will represent the Northern region during the competition. Faced with her, Kelly feels completely destabilized.

A few minutes later, everyone is outside. As president of the jury, Chef Delobel explains the progress of the competition alongside Chef Rosset. For 3 weeks, six brigades will compete in four events. The winner will be fully sponsored for the opening of their restaurant. The first test takes place the next day: competitors will have to choose what they want to cook based on what was caught that morning. To make matters worse, a common ingredient chosen at random will be imposed on them in the recipes.

At the end of the presentation, Lenglart approaches Kelly to congratulate her. She emphasizes, however, that you must have a lot of confidence to dare to participate in the competition, risking losing your place at the Institute if you end up being eliminated. If Teyssier intervenes to keep Lenglart away from Kelly, she is immediately overcome by stress.

During a walk on the beach with Lionel, Kelly admits that Lenglart managed to make her doubt by reminding her of everything she risks. Her boyfriend is there to reassure her about her skills. At the same time, Laetitia surprises her daughter by joining them. Delighted, Kelly tells him everything that happened between her confrontation with chef Rosset which went very well and the presence of chef Lenglart as one of her competitors.

In the evening, Salomé and Maya prepare for the opening cocktail of the competition. Kelly is the only one who doesn’t want to go out, preferring to go to bed early to be on task the next day. Out of solidarity, Salomé and Maya decide to stay with her. As Teyssier picks them up, he admits to being proud of their decision. For his part, he will go to the cocktail party.

Laetitia and Zacharie join Jasmine and Jim to go to the cocktail together. But upon seeing chef Rosset, Laetitia panics. She claims to have forgotten something in her room.

She thus waits to be able to chat alone with Chef Rosset in a corridor. Upon discovering her presence in her hotel, she finds her particularly cheeky. Laetitia is simply trying to ensure that she will not penalize her daughter because she is angry with her, which Chef Rosset confirms. Laetitia adds that Kelly is not aware of the whole story. She counts on the discretion of Chef Rosset on this subject. When the latter calls her a “dark shit”, Laetitia’s blood only boils: she pins her against the wall. Kelly comes into the hallway at that moment. Once chef Rosset leaves, Laetitia tries to explain. But Kelly doesn’t want to hear anything: her mother has no interest in making her lose the Coupe de France, otherwise she will never forgive her…

The new teacher leaves no one cold

In the park, Carla discusses with Rose the new pastry teacher: Alice Wiesberg, whom she has already nicknamed Alice “Iceberg”, in connection with her lack of affect. Rose confirms that her new colleague is rather special. Carla suspects her of being under Cardone’s influence, to which Rose reveals that she doesn’t like him that much.

In class, Alice is very attentive to details: she takes David back on his sponge cakes by advising him to incorporate the eggs more slowly, then she suggests to Carla to start her device again from the beginning because her bain-marie was a few degrees too hot . If the young girl believes that these are only details, Alice affirms on the contrary that it is essential in baking.

After class, Carla goes to the studio to redo Alice’s dessert recipe, following her advice, just to prove that they aren’t changing anything. David joins her to check in with her. But after tasting, they are forced to admit that Alice’s recipe is much better than Carla’s recipe.

For their part, Rose and Clotilde want to discuss Alice with Cardone in order to emphasize that her behavior destabilizes the students. But the director of the Institute doesn’t care. For her, all that matters is the educational aspect and not the sentimental aspect.

Cardone finds a new target

In the vegetable garden, Hortense instructs the First Years to take inspiration from plants and vegetables to create appetizers. Cardone comes to inspect the course, which destabilizes Hortense. The principal also monitors what the students are doing. Leonard is interested in the elegance of certain leaves and intends to be inspired by their movement to create a recipe. Unconvinced, Cardone waits for her at the turn during the tasting.

In the kitchen, Cardone tastes the plates of all the students. She describes Bérénice’s as bland and uninteresting. When Leonardo’s turn comes, who has made a spring salad in parmesan shells, Cardone declares that it’s nonsense. Leonard calls her a witch. Having heard this, Cardone decides to punish him by ordering him to make 300 shells for the next day.

While Leonardo carries out his punishment, Hortense subtly questions Cardone’s methods. But the latter makes him understand that it is not in his interest to contradict her.



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