Hélène Ségara recounts her fight against illness

Hélène Ségara recounts her fight against illness
Hélène Ségara recounts her fight against illness
Photo credits: TF1 screenshot

“Vivo per lei”, “Vivre”, “There are too many people who love you”, “Elle tu l’aime”… Star of the late 90s and early 2000s, Hélène Ségara is regularly the target of criticism about his physique. The 53-year-old singer has been fighting for several years against an unknown illness which is causing her to lose her sight. Having multiplied the operations, the artist and juror of “France has an incredible talent” says today that she only sees with one eye, the left, “ the one we managed to stabilize », as she explains with emotion in the portrait of “Sept à trois” broadcast last Sunday on TF1. Hélène Ségara relates that “ it all started in April 2013 “, as she returned from Russia: ” I had worked a lot, really. And I woke up one morning with a curtain, literally, in front of my eyes, not understanding what was happening to me. “.

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“I was told it was a tumor”

Following this, the singer said she had “ implants in the eyes » and chained around twenty operations: “ I was more or less stabilized. And then two years ago everything changed again. I realized that I was really losing one of my eyes and that nothing was helping, nothing was working anymore. “. If no doctor can find out what ailment she is suffering from (“ I was told it was a tumor, then multiple sclerosis for two years ), Hélène Ségara says she experiences hell on a daily basis: “ I could no longer see my phone screen, I could no longer read, or peel fruit. I was mostly losing both eyes. At that time, I had no other solution than to be hospitalized, given an infusion, to have daily care to try to urgently brake while waiting to find a treatment. “.

“People are violent”

On social media, I saw a lot of questions about physical changes. Because cortisone [que je prenais] it was not a small dose. These were 1,000 mg infusions. So obviously, I arrived in a normal state, I left, I was a popcorn » she continues, aware of the questions from the public during her media appearances: “ From the moment we lose our sight, our eyes desperately seek light. So there were a few televisions where I ended up with squints that I couldn’t control. And I didn’t realize it! “. Unfortunately, this serious health problem caused him to be ” harassed » on social networks: « People are violent: “She’s making us a Dalida.” (…) I hear everything and anything! That’s also why at one point I went abroad because I didn’t want to be followed and harassed. Because I was followed to the hospital gates by the paparazzi “.

Counting on the support of her family and friends, Hélène Ségara “ relativize » and wants “ always see the glass half full » : « I put things into perspective. The present is the lesson of what is happening to me. I want to enjoy every moment, love a lot, eat delicious things, cook for those I love. I want to see everything, watch everything as long as I can “. From now on, Hélène Ségara has less strong treatments than before, with syringes, which allows her to travel more easily. “ At the hospital, everyone thought I was going to be a diva, complaining one way or another, but it was the opposite. They were almost a little sad that I was leaving the hospital » laughs the artist today, who was still able to get back on stage for the “Les Comédies Musicales” tour.



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