“I’m tired”, Sylvie Vartan, 80, categorically refuses to change her mind about her farewells

“I’m tired”, Sylvie Vartan, 80, categorically refuses to change her mind about her farewells
“I’m tired”, Sylvie Vartan, 80, categorically refuses to change her mind about her farewells

End clap for Sylvie Vartan. HAS 80 ansshe bows out after a legendary career. Despite the resounding success of her latest concerts, she remains adamant: no question of going back on his decision.

Ce Friday October 4on the set of C to youshe once again explains the reasons for her choice to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, who still tried to make her change her mind! Find out why Sylvie Vartan chose to say stop.

Sylvie Vartan “can’t wait to stop”

Sylvie Vartan confirmed it, her decision is made: farewell to the public will be. “All these years spent traveling the stages, the world, seeing so many people… I have learned so much, but at some point, you have to know how to stop at the right moment”confided the singer who added jokingly: “When I see all this again, I’m already tired !

And this “good time”it’s obviously now. The singer had planned last three dates at the Dôme de . But, the fans, not wanting to let her go, rushed to get their seats. So much so that the artist had to add three concerts additional to Congress Center to satisfy everyone!

The success of these final concerts could have made him change his mind. In any case, this is what Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine tried to make him understand. In fact, she tried to convince her by telling her that his fans weren’t ready to say goodbye to him. “I always make my decisions quickly, on a whim, and then I start to think,” she explains. But that doesn’t stop him from being categorical this time, because “reason prevails”.

The end of a life “shattering, dizzying”

For Sylvie Vartan, these last concerts mark the end of an existence “shattering, dizzying”. She is aware that he “you have to hold on” how are you “life is behind, not ahead”.

If she is so calm about this decision and the end of her career, it is because she has no no regrets and that she had a rich and full life. It was a joy everyday”she confides.

In any case, even if Sylvie Vartan leaves the stage, she left a indelible imprint. Her latest concerts promise to be emotional moments, both for her and for her fans. There is no doubt that she will retain a certain nostalgia when thinking back to this era. But, after more than 2500 concerts given, it’s time to definitively close the curtain…



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