Stevie Nicks unveils “Lighthouse”, her anthem for women

Stevie Nicks unveils “Lighthouse”, her anthem for women
Stevie Nicks unveils “Lighthouse”, her anthem for women

The Fleetwood Mac singer is back with a new political and powerful track, Light­housededicated to women.

Pho­to : Matt Becker/ licence cre­ative commons

After the release of Show Them The Way in 2020 with Dave Grohl on the drums, then a repeat of For What It’s Worth of Buf­fa­lo Spring­field two years later, Ste­vie Nicks returned to the studio to record a very strong song on abortion rights.

Force collective

A title inspired by the singer after the revocation of the “Roe versus Wade” ruling on June 24, 2022, which granted American women the right to abortion throughout the country. “It seemed like overnight people were saying ‘what can we, as a collective force, do about this…’ For me, it was writing a song,” explain Ste­vie Nicks through the press.

In addition: Stevie Nicks unveils “Show Them The Way”, with Dave Grohl on drums

In the middle of touring at the time, it took her a while to focus on this piece. “Then early one morning I was watching the news on TV and a certain anchor said something that resonated with me, explaining what the loss of Roe vs. Wade could mean, pour­suit-elle. I wrote the song the next morning and recorded it overnight. It was September 6, 2022. I have been working on it since”.

“You should be afraid”

A very powerful title titled Light­housewhere she calls on women to take back their power and rise up so as not to lose control of themselves. “Your life is forever changed / And all the rights you had yesterday / Are taken away from you / and now you’re afraid / You should be afraid / Because everything I fought for / Long ago in a dream is party”, she sings in particular in the first verse. Harsh words but necessary to awaken consciences.

In addition: Here you go girls! Stevie Nicks (podcast)

Ste­vie Nicks has often been whispered while writing this title, “cis perhaps the most important thing” that she has ever done in her career as an artist. “Stand up for the women of the United States, their daughters and granddaughters, and the men who love them, she concludes. It’s an anthem”. A clip was shared immediately, it can be discovered below.

Watch the clip:



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