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36,000 cinema admissions in 2024

French cinema is on the rise and this is confirmed at the Chinon cinema. Rabelais recorded 36,546 entries in 2024, an increase in attendance compared to 2023 in the national average (1.8%): “2023 was already a very good year”indicates Gilles de Laage, president of the managing association.

Notably, this increase in tickets sold is occurring with a lower number of screenings (around thirty fewer) compared to 2023. “The attendance per screening is significantly higher, we reach an occupancy rate of 16%, when the national average is 14%, which means that there are on average 36 people in the room for each screening”indicates Gilles de Laage.

An increasing activity which can be explained by the films released. “For this to work, we need “films”, that is to say films that meet their audience”summarizes the president of cinema Rabelais.

The school public pillar of attendance

The Chinese and French box offices are similar, with the clear coloring of French productions. A little something extrathe comedy by Artus, hit and surprise of the year 2024, achieved 1,620 admissions in Chinon, followed by Le Comte de Monte Cristo (1,320 entries), then Vice-Versa 2 with (900 entries) and Love phew (640 entries). Without forgetting Vaiana 2released at the end of November, which continues its life these first days of January.

The school population is also one of the pillars of attendance at the establishment (24% of admissions). Kindergartens to high school students attend Le Rabelais or during the various meetings organized by the association.

The 1, 2, 3 ciné fait son cinéma festival will offer seven films during the All Saints school holidays for an audience aged 3 to 10. “Most of the sessions will be followed by an animation related to the film, a workshop will offer children the opportunity to make a very short film using the pin screen technique”indicates Bernadette Lorieux, member of the office. The 4e edition of the Hispanic Cinema Festival (led by a high school Spanish teacher) will take place from March 31 to April 4; the 18e edition of Ciné d’ici et d’ailleurs will take place from September 24 to 28 on the theme “Secret and lies”. Occasional events are also offered such as January 20 with two Japanese films or January 14 the screening of A fanfarewith all the brass instruments from the Chinon et conservatory.

Waiting for the second room

At the Le Rabelais cinema, we are now waiting for the second room (the work is announced in early 2026). A second screen necessary to offer more works and projections. “For certain films, the distributor imposes a minimum number of screenings to be able to screen them, to Vaiana 2 it was fifteen sessions per weeksays Gilles de Laage. With a screen, you are limited on the number of films and number of times it is projected. »

A second room which should mechanically bring additional spectators. Gilles de Laage announces a balance threshold for the structure at 50,000 entries. “In the outskirts with more theaters, we would see our attendance increase, but the choice was made to keep a cinema in the city center, which brings a flow of 35,000 people to the center, which is not negligible for a city of 8,000 inhabitants. »


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