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“Stay away from him”: this actor in Christopher Nolan’s Batman saga was ordered not to approach the Joker played by Heath Ledger

Culture news “Stay away from him”: this actor in Christopher Nolan’s Batman saga was ordered not to approach the Joker played by Heath Ledger

Published on 06/14/2024 at 9:45 p.m.

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Following his performance as Joker and his premature death, many fantasies were created around the person of Heath Ledger. But recently, one actor from The Dark Knight opened up about who he was, explaining what the atmosphere was really like on set.

If we had to draw up a list of the great directors of our erait would seem obvious to include Christopher Nolan. So recently we were talking to you about Dunkirk and laudatory feedback from other directors about this film, today, we will instead talk about the filming of another of his reference films: The Dark Knight.

A masterful Joker

In 2008, it was one of the must-see films of the year. After the release of Batman Begins, three years earlier, the Dark Knight returned to the cinema for an even more legendary second part. Still directed by Christopher Nolan, the bat would have to deal with more than one threat in this new feature film. And one of these threats was none other than the famous Jokerperformed by a Heath Ledger masterfulwho almost stole the spotlight from Christian Bale for the duration of a film.

A remarkable performance which even earned the actor an Oscar. An award which unfortunately was given to him posthumously, because the young American actor tragically died in January 2008, six months before the film’s theatrical release. If his performance was so appreciated by critics, it is partly because the performer seemed to totally immerse himself in his character, to the point of blending with him. Many fantasies on this subject have emerged sincethe latter have often suggested that Heath Ledger was no longer himself at all on this set, thoughts which one of his companions at the time recently returned to.

And a supposed Heath Ledger

Eric Roberts as Salvatore Maroni

In fact, a few months ago, actor Eric Roberts returned to filming and his relationship with the late actor. As a reminder, Eric Roberts plays in The Dark Knight, it is he who lends his features to Savatore Maroni, the leader of the local mafia. He says that many people warned her about Heath Ledgerbut when he arrived on the film set, he just noticed that all these rumors were unfounded.

Words that he confirms in the podcast Still Here Hollywood :

What a beautiful person he was. I was told, “Don’t go near Heath…he’s in character,” but that wasn’t the case at all. He was perfectly fine. (…) He was so charming, so kind, so pleasant, so normal. All the things I heard about him were false. His death was truly a great loss.

A completely charming and normal actor, for an unforgettable performance. You can also watch The Dark Knight now on the Max platform, new platform that we already told you about in this article.


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