At age 41, Superman welcomed his first superbaby. British actor Henry Cavill, who has played the superhero on several occasions in the cinema, was paparazzed on Saturday January 18, 2025 in Australia, while he was walking with his partner Natalie and a stroller. It was enough for the Anglo-Saxon media to deduce that the actor had become a father, even if those mainly concerned have not yet confirmed the happy news.
Henry Cavill and Natalie Viscuso announced that they were expecting a child in April 2024 and the young woman shared a photo on Instagram, where she was seen wearing a denim jacket with the inscription “Mama” on the back. » in red letters. His companion had posted a selfie taken in the future baby’s room on the occasion of Father’s Day and asked advice from his subscribers who were already parents.
Henry Cavill, who is about to start filming “Voltron”, a feature film adapted from a 1980s cartoon, and producer Natalie Viscuso, daughter of a former nightclub mogul, have formalized their relationship in 2021 via an Instagram post from the actor showing them in the middle of a chess game. Since then, the couple has kept a low profile, rarely appearing together on social media.