The Bollywood actor underwent surgery on Thursday after being injured by a man who broke into his apartment. An investigation was opened to find him.
Saif Ali Khan, star of Indian cinema, underwent surgery this Thursday, January 16 after being stabbed in his apartment in the suburbs of Bombay, by an intruder who had broken in. He has left the operating room and is now “out of danger”, according to his team relayed by the BBC:
“He is currently recovering and doctors are monitoring his progress,” she added.
His wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, as well as their two children, “are doing well”, according to the comments of the actress’s spokespersons reported by CNN.
An “attempted burglary”
The circumstances of the attack are currently still unclear. According to police, a man entered the Khan family’s apartment shortly after midnight on the night of Wednesday to Thursday. The 54-year-old actor’s team reports that it was an “attempted burglary”. A fight broke out between Saif Ali Khan and the intruder, during which the actor was stabbed.
Saif Ali Khan “suffered a serious spinal cord injury due to a dagger lodged in his spine,” Dr. Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital told reporters at the scene.
“An operation took place to remove the dagger (…) Two other deep wounds, on his left hand and on his neck, were treated with cosmetic surgery.”
In all, The Hindu reports six injuries. A domestic worker was also attacked according to CNN, and received treatment. An investigation was launched to find the attacker.
Saif Ali Khan made his Bollywood debut in 1993. His successes include romantic comedies Hum Tum et Salaam Namaste as well as the dramas Dil Chahta Hai or Omkaraadaptation d’Othello the William Shakespeare.