The short documentary film Foot give it continues its international journey. Directed by Kim Yip Tong, this 12-minute format from local studios, Gao Shan Animation, once again stood out. He was selected in official competition during the last edition of the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, which was held recently.
“This recognition for our animation on the Wakashio disaster reinforces the influence of this co-production between Mauritius and Reunion Island, and underlines the importance of animation as a means of expression to address crucial environmental and social subjects, such as the sinking of the MV Wakashio in 2020 »underlines Armand Desponts, General Manager of the studio based in Les Kocottes, Saint-Pierre. Gao Shan Animation has been installed there since September 2023.
This presence in Jeddah follows a remarkable career in several festivals, notably in the official selection category. Perspectives at the Annecy International Animated Film Festivalat Atmosphères and at International Women's Film Festival.
In 12 minutes, through mixed mediain a mixture of analog and digital, Foot give it takes as its starting point interviews with people directly affected by the oil spill. These people were met in 2021, in the regions of Mahébourg, Pointe-d'Esny, Grand-Port. “The objective of the film is to transcribe the emotions of the characters in a very dreamlike dimension,” explains the director, about this short documentary film which took three years of work.