The Acolyte series reveals an ultra-powerful weapon that has been the nightmare of every Jedi for 24 years in Star Wars

The Acolyte series reveals an ultra-powerful weapon that has been the nightmare of every Jedi for 24 years in Star Wars
The Acolyte series reveals an ultra-powerful weapon that has been the nightmare of every Jedi for 24 years in Star Wars

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In the Star Wars saga, the lightsaber has always served as the ultimate weapon in a futuristic galaxy. Capable of countering blaster shots but above all of cutting any material, the only weakness of the lightsaber was its handle, which can be put out of service.

But here’s the thing: with the series The Acolyte currently being broadcast by Disney, The lightsaber may have just lost forever its aura of invincible and unrivaled weapon.. Indeed, the showrunners decided to dust off a material, called Cortosis, which can counter and even deactivate sabers. It’s the end of an era for the poor Jedi!

An overpowered weapon that comes out of the blue?

So it’s in episode 5 of the series The Acolyte that cortosis is suddenly consecrated in the Star Wars filmography. The strange Sith Qimir faces Jedi, and suddenly he starts headbutting the laser beams. Surprise! Instead of having his head immediately carbonized, it’s the lightsabers themselves that fall to pieces.

The scene irritated many viewers, but it’s mostly because Disney failed to present this metallic material, and to legitimize it. Because it is indeed a material that has existed in the Star Wars lore for a long time, but that George Lucas had never invited into his central saga.

Rare metals

Rest assured: in principle, there is no risk of seeing an army of battle droids made of Cortosis land overnight, which would nullify the omnipotence of the Jedi forever. Indeed, this metal is both extremely rare and very difficult to extract. It only exists in tiny quantities in the Star Wars universe. However, it can indeed be forged to create pieces of armor that become a real nightmare for the Jedi. This is the case in The Acolyte, where the Sith Qimir is equipped with a helmet and bracelet made of Cortosis.

It remains to be seen what Disney will do with this new, overpowered weapon. Will it remain a rarity, or will the Jedi have to get used to countering it during their duels?



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