this God can stop Mjolnir effortlessly

Super hero emblematic of Marvel, Thor has a armed equally cult: Mjolnir. But this armedwhich only people who are worthy of it can lift, proves to be totally useless against a Asgardian God especially.

Mjolnir, Thor’s iconic weapon

In the Marvel Universe, Thor has fought before with different weapons and in different ways. But if there is one emblematic weapon that we systematically associate with the God of Thunder, it is Mjolnir. Forged by the Dwarves for the Asgardian royal family, this enchanted warhammer is also Jane Foster/Mighty Thor’s primary weapon, but its users are very few. In fact, it is almost impossible for most people to even lift it.

Over the years, a few notable exceptions have been noted. The best known probably comes from the MCU, when Captain America seizes Mjolnir in Avengers Endgameironically to save Thor, in a bad position against Thanos. But there is even more: an Asgardian God is able to control Mjolnir remotely, without even touching it.

This Asgardian god from Marvel is more powerful than we imagined

It is in the 12th issue of the comic series Immortal Thorpublished across the Atlantic in June 2024, that the improbable happened: Mjolnir was stopped in mid-flight, after being thrown by Thor, with just words. This impressive feat is attributed to Buri, also known as Tiwaz, the great-grandfather of the God of Thunder. With Mjolnir only inches from his face, he stops him with a quick wave of his hand and tells him to stop. He then addresses her as he would anyone, calling her his “old friend” and explaining to him that he would like to admire [son] craftsmanship”. Buri also claims that Mjolnir is “truly the greatest achievement [du Nain] Poison”.

buri mjolnir marvel

More generally, Buri manages to counter all of Thor’s attacks during this duel, in which the God of Thunder tries to recover a rune that he needs to save Tyr. Thus, the powerful Asgardian God proves, despite his Santa Claus appearance, that any physical attack from Thor against him is useless. If Buri is so formidable, it is quite simply because he is considered “the first Asgardian”. Appeared at the same time as the other Elder Gods when life was created on Earth, but he was the very first to be worshipped. Many Gods descend from him, which explains his great superiority.



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