Gabriel Pavie, child and leading role, found thanks to wild casting

Gabriel Pavie, child and leading role, found thanks to wild casting
Gabriel Pavie, child and leading role, found thanks to wild casting

Today at 2:00 p.m. – by
Thomas Fourcroy

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On February 16, 2022, director Fabien Gorgeart released his second film, The real family. Few years later Diane has the shoulders (2017), the filmmaker drew on his past to create a feature film about a foster child, Simon. A character played by Gabriel Pavie, a very young actor who here plays opposite Mélanie Thierry, Lyes Salem and Félix Moati. Fabien Gorgeart, whose family welcomed a little boy for no less than six years, shares here a touching work, on a subject that is too little exploited in cinema…

The real family : a child placed between two waters

Can someone else’s child become ours? Where should we place this boundary when we have welcomed a little boy into our home for many years? Anna asks herself these questions as her daily life changes… At 34, she leads a quiet life with her two children, her husband, but also young Simon. Placed with them by Social Assistance when he was 18 months old, he is now 6 years old. A third son, in a way, that his biological father will claim. Asking for custody, he will even ask Simon to stop calling Anna “Mom”. An intimate wound for her, which cannot prevent her from going to find her father.

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Gabriel, a child with incredible listening skills and eyes

Disturbing in the role of Simon, this foster child torn between two homes, Gabriel Pavie signed his very first role in the cinema. Just like his peers on screen, he was spotted by Fabien Gorgeart in a wild casting call. In the press kit of The real familythe director says: “Little Gabriel had incredible listening skills and an incredible eye, which was essential to play Simon, who is a child who spends his time watching adults decide his fate. Gabriel was very conscientious and anxious to do the right thing. and as the filming progressed, he was more enduring and more precise. We saw him become an actor during the filming. The actors helped him to be on point. good intensity. It was a very difficult exercise for her, who then had to, when the camera was on her, find the right tone.” Note that in 2023, Gabriel Pavie participated in his second feature film, The Vourdalaka horror film with Vassili Schneider, Ariane Labed and Erwan Ribard.



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