“Critical thinking” cinema: Trump Fiction

“Critical thinking” cinema: Trump Fiction
“Critical thinking” cinema: Trump Fiction

As the American presidential election approaches, “L'esprit critique” offers you a special program dedicated to Trumpist images and imaginations or, in other words, to « Fictions de Trump », to use the title of the book by our guest today, Dork Zabunyan.

What images does the former president, candidate for re-election, generate, produce, crystallize and use? What do visual comparisons tell us between the 2024 campaign and previous campaigns, woven with technological developments and political innovations?

As Dork Zabunyan shows in his work, subtitled Powers of images and exercises of powerthe audiovisual material that determines Trump's image is at once variegated, proliferating and often embarrassing.

But this does not mean that we should be content with the mixture of astonishment and disgust that often serves as the main reception of images linked to Donald Trump.

Especially since two films recently released on French screens, Joker, madness for two et The Apprenticedirectly or indirectly summon the figure of 45e President of the United States and shed light on certain aspects of it.

To talk about it:

  • Dork Zabunyanprofessor of film studies at the University of VIII-, author in 2020 of the book Trump fiction. Powers of images and exercises of power (Le Point du Jour), which also publishes a new edition of his work entitled The Insistence of Struggles. Images, uprisings, counter-revolutions (From the publisher's incidence);
  • Occitan Lacquermember of the editorial board of the cinema review Overflowsdoctoral student in aesthetics and visual studies;
  • Raphael Nieuwjaerwho writes to Cinema notebooksas well as for the review Studies.

“Critical Mind” is a podcast recorded in Gong studios and produced by Karen Beun.



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