Only an ultimate Lord of the Rings fan will get 10/10 on this general knowledge quiz on the saga

Published on
May 21, 2024

6:00 p.m.
By Aurélia Baranes

Do you think you’re THE ultimate Lord of the Rings fan? JRR Tolkien’s books hold no secrets for you? Do you know all the secrets of filming the Peter Jackson saga? So it’s time to prove that you’re THE biggest fan of the saga with this general knowledge quiz. Ready ?

Easy to start with, who is the author of the novels the films are based on?

© Metropolitan FilmExport

This is the British writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, better known as JRR Tolkien.

How many filmmakers participated in the making of the trilogy?

© Metropolitan FilmExport

Peter Jackson directed all three films in the saga.

In which country were the films shot?

© Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

The trilogy was filmed in New Zealand.

Who composed the music for the saga?

© Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

Canadian composer Howard Shore is behind the trilogy’s soundtrack.

How many Oscars did the trilogy win in total?

© Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

The Lord of the Rings received 17 golden statuettes in total, including 11 for the third part. The latter is therefore one of the most awarded films in the history of the Oscars, with Ben Hur And Titanic.

What inscription did the cast of The Fellowship of the Ring get tattooed in memory of filming?

© Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

Several actors, including Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom, have had the number nine tattooed in Tengwa, in reference to the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring.

Director Peter Jackson appears several times in the saga

© Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

Peter Jackson does make a few small appearances in the films. We can notably see him in the role of an inhabitant of Bree, but also in the skin of a soldier who defends Helm’s Deep.

Which of these actors really met JRR Tolkien?

Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen

Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee

Sean Bean

Sean Bean

Bernard Hill

Bernard Hill

Christopher Lee, who plays Saruman, is the only member of the cast who had the chance to exchange a few words with the author.

The three parts of the saga are all more than 2h30 long in their short version

© Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

Effectively ! The three parts are all between 2:58 and 3:21.

Finally, which of these characters does not appear in all three films?









Sauron is not present in the second part, he only appears in The Fellowship of the Ring And The king’s return.

Congratulations !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Congratulations !

You are undoubtedly a true fan of the saga The Lord of the Rings ! You know absolutely all the details of JRR Tolkien’s crazy epic and therefore get a sublime score on this quiz. A huge congratulations!

Keep your momentum going with this Aragorn quiz.

Good game !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Good game !

Despite one or two small mistakes, you still achieved a very nice score! You have always been passionate about The Lord of the Rings and therefore have solid knowledge of the saga. Of course, you still have things to learn, but you can already consider yourself a big fan.

Now find out which character from the franchise lies within you with this astro quiz.


You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]AVERAGE

You like The Lord of the Rings, but we can’t say that you’re a real fan. You have obviously never tried to find out more about the genesis of this fabulous universe, which therefore costs you a certain number of points.

Try to do better with this Frodo quiz.

Null !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Null !

You may have seen the films in the saga, but you don’t know much about the Lord of the Rings…So you really have a lot left to learn to reach fan status.

So try to catch up with this quiz on the first film in the trilogy.

Start the quiz again

type="image/webp">Aurelia Baranes

Aurelia Baranes

Co-founder – Publication Director

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