Cinema Quiz: only action fans will get it right! – Cinema News

Cinema Quiz: only action fans will get it right! – Cinema News
Cinema Quiz: only action fans will get it right! – Cinema News

Tomorrow, M6 will broadcast a monument of 80s action cinema: “Crystal Trap”. But before re-watching this film which made Bruce Willis an international star, we suggest you check if you really have it in mind with an XXL quiz.

Released in 1988, Crystal Trap quickly became the favorite action film of an entire generation of spectators. Its success above all allowed it to experience two sequels, equally cult, released in the 90s. Then to return around ten years later to the screens with Die Hard 4: Return to Hell and Die Hard: Beautiful Day to Die .

But today, we are interested in the very first Die Hard, the one that made Bruce Willis an action icon and which you will be able to see again tomorrow evening on M6. But before that, some secrets from filming the feature film and a 15-question quiz to check if you’re a real fan.

Did you know ?

Adapted from Roderick Thorpe

The screenplay for Crystal Trap is adapted from the novel by Roderick Thorp Nothing Lasts Forever. The author had already been adapted for the screen with The Detective, where we found Frank Sinatra and Lee Remick.

Initial title

Crystal Trap was originally to be titled The Vault in reference to the famous safe, the object of desire of so-called terrorists. The title will evolve by refocusing on the hero and his character, thus becoming Die Hard (“Tough guy”).

Bruce Willis’s “salary expectations”…

While he was mainly known only as the star of the Moonlight series, Bruce Willis had the nerve to demand, for his participation in Crystal Trap, the sum of 5 million dollars. Huge for the time, especially for an actor of this ilk. Risky Paris, but proof that producer Joel Silver and the Fox bosses were not mistaken in hiring him: the first part grossed more than 81 million dollars in the United States alone, and more than 137 in worldwide.



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