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Besançon: a student forced to repeat his BTS because he was sick on the day of the tests

It’s a mishap that has consequences. Tom had to be hospitalized the day of the written tests. This commercial management student at the Saint-Jean high school in Besançon suffered a pneumothorax last May. “While I was revising, I suffered a pneumothorax. Arriving at the doctor, I tried to negotiate so that I would not be sent urgently to the hospital. Except that unfortunately it was not possible to negotiate” he says. It’s too serious, he is sent to the emergency room and therefore misses the written tests. This absence earns him a zero point. But he has no possibility of catching up. “I knew beforehand that I was going to fail my exam. Because if you don’t take the exam, in fact, it’s a direct elimination and there is no resit” he explains.

Indeed, the law does not provide for this scenario for BTS, which scandalizes his parents. It’s a double punishment for Tom’s mother, Stéphanie Socié: “It was very, very complicated for us at the hospital. You can imagine, a mother who takes her son… He had three drains inserted. It was very, very painful. We have to manage this problem at the same time and there is the somewhat human side which is a little lacking. We are just given the legal texts. So it is very complicated and we really experience it as a sanction. rare sectors which do not have catch-ups and I don’t find that normal”.

An aberration

His parents are now fighting to ensure that this situation does not happen again. “If our experience can be useful for other people, it is with great pleasure to be of service to the generations that come. So it is to help future people, to avoid finding themselves in these very complicated situations. And to being able to manage your health while knowing that you are supported elsewhere” explains Stéphanie Socié.

Tom is doing well today. “It was rather painful. At the beginning, we’re going to prioritize our health, so it’s true that we don’t think about it too much. But after a month of convalescence, I’m starting to wonder if I Am I going to repeat a year? Will I be able to take my degree? And since there were still two to three months of convalescence, we had time to think carefully about whether I was going to repeat a year. or not” he says.

“Just bad luck”

Despite the steps taken by his parents, the rectorate did not offer him a solution during the summer. “They kicked it a bit by telling us to contact the Prime Minister’s office. They told us that there was nothing they could do and that it had already happened to other students and that was what it was like. It was just bad luck!”

Tom’s parents persevere, contacting the MP Laurent Croizier, an article appears in the press. Finally, their son’s case ended up before the National Assembly, the parliamentarian having tabled a bill to put an end to this aberration. Too late for Tom, who must therefore repeat his year. “We had a bill a month and a half after I returned to school. So, for me, it’s a little too late. […] I testify for future young people to whom this may happen. And if they have the possibility of not losing a year, well for me, that will already be a great victory.” he concludes. And for this new year, “It’s true that it’s obviously a little easier, but I wouldn’t say that it’s lost. I see it more as a gap year, it gives me a little break year” he philosophizes.

REPLAY – The long interview with Tom Socié


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