Haut-. New accident at the “woodpile bend” between Morteau and Villers-le-Lac: one lightly injured

Haut-. New accident at the “woodpile bend” between Morteau and Villers-le-Lac: one lightly injured
Haut-Doubs. New accident at the “woodpile bend” between Morteau and Villers-le-Lac: one lightly injured

A sector infamous for its high accident rate, the “woodpile bend”, located between Morteau and Villers-le-Lac, in the commune of Fins, was once again the scene of a traffic accident this Tuesday October 15.

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Transported to Pontarlier hospital

Two cars collided on this portion of the D461, around 3 p.m. The 44-year-old woman who was driving the first vehicle was not injured, as were two of the three people who were in the second car, a 44-year-old woman and a 71-year-old man. Only a 66-year-old woman was transported to the Pontarlier Hospital Center, slightly injured.

The eleven firefighters deployed all came from the center of Morteau, the intervention caused significant disruptions on this busy section.

A turn feared by more than one resident

This “wood pile bend”, which takes its name from a log storage facility just opposite, is an area feared by more than one resident, whose speed limit of 90 km/h appears to be unsuitable for the configuration. places. I

We only have to go back to September 27 to find traces of the last accident, with significant material damage and minor injuries, like this Tuesday, fortunately. On March 22 of this year, a 20-year-old boy lost his life in a particularly violent head-on collision.

Questioned on the accident-prone side of the bend, following the recent black streak on the roads of , the Department indicated at the end of last week that “a safety diagnosis is being carried out in this sector. »



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